Saturday, July 30, 2011


Growing Up With Teochew Opera - 10
Teochew Movies Screened On Television
normally staged their performance in 新世界 New World in Jalan Besar (already demolished and a new condominium City Square Residences had been built on the same plot of land.) 陈楚蕙 appeared as guest performer at one time and only performed two titles, 红书宝剑 and 萧湘秋雨 . This was to land support to 方巧玉 who paired off many less popular ‘male’ lead during and was facing pressure and stiff competition from 昇艺潮剧团.

昇艺潮剧团 had many young and adorable actress like 陈碧霞 and Loh Quee Hong. They performed at the same time at the open space near Golden Cinema. There was one year, my mother and I had to choose to watch a performance from each troupe because of tight budget. We watched 双挂帅 played by 方巧玉 of 新天彩潮剧团 and 秦怀玉 by 昇艺潮剧团. I must admit that both the two troupes were equally good. Actually, we liked 秦怀玉 more as it contained the story line of 三 哭 殿 featuring how a princess of Tang dynasty lectured her son for killing the Prime Minister, whose daughter is the concubine of her father, the Emperor.


Some of the performances put up during this period included 五子挂帅,岳王剑,双刺史,霹雳珠,珍珠旗,孟丽君, 龙凤双夺师, 雾锁开封, 情挑状元郎 and 父子三登科. My family and I watched quite a number of her performances during these period.

Somehow, we feel that 陈楚蕙 put up better performances with co-artistes from Hong Kong or Thailand. We were eagerly waiting for her to pair up with 陈碧霞 like what she did in 1987. She also put up many memorable performance when she paired up with 谢子兰.

Normally, after 陈楚蕙 performance, the local Teochew street opera troupes would select some of the titles and perform them during the lunar seventh month festival. Just to name a few, 五子挂帅 by 新荣和兴, 一门三进士 and 三娶相国女 by 织云潮剧团. 陈楚蕙 performed 三娶相国女 twice in Singapore with different titles. It was known as 三娶相国女 when the plot was first staged in Singapore. It was subsequently renamed as 情挑状元郎.
陈楚蕙首晚义演 吸引上千戏迷捧场



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